Friday, October 28, 2005

know thyself via world wide web

Feeling a bit peppy during the ascent from my recent plunge into viral vacuity, I decided to cash in on a gift presented to me by a book I bought entitled How Full Is Your Bucket? The gift was a secret code required to take an online test called Strengthsfinder.

Well, heaven knows I could use some strength, so I eagerly signed in and punched in my secret gift numbers. To me, it seemed that the test had an unusual format, but I forged onward, undaunted. My question-answering effort was a small price to pay for the reward of strength, I reasoned.

Fifteen minutes into the test I started to lose steam. Perhaps that virus was sneaking back, or maybe it had never really left.....

The problem was, I was only allowed 20 seconds to answer each question. At first it was a piece of cake. Then I started to feel a little dizzy, even nauseated.

Was it possible that these people, the ones who composed this test, did not want me thinking about the answers? Was that the reason for the time limit? Whoops...they got me again......

I definitely lapsed into a lower level of brain function. Was it mental exhaustion? Would this be happening if I hadn't been sick? Could this be a symptom of caffeine deficiency? How long had it been since my last hit of coffee?

I couldn't figure out how to pause the test so I could take a breather, but I did waste precious time trying. Could this really be a stress test in disguise?

FINALLY the test ended. The result? My main strength, they tell me, is "intellection". I like to think. My "intellection" damn near prevented me from even completing the test. Could that have affected the results, do you think?


DTclarinet said...

I'll have to think about that. Lemme get back to you.

B.S. said...

Perhaps a time limit is in order....

Anonymous said...

burn the book. and your bra. that is all.

ps. your story earlier about your hanging dog and the following trepidation you experienced as to wether you should save him or not was whirling betty GOLD.

DTclarinet said...

Ok, thought about it. Intellect the dog. And tha's my final answer.

DTclarinet said...

Nice profile, B. You certainly are a thinker, but one with a huge and hilarious sense of language's playfulness.