Thursday, October 06, 2005

AS IF I needed more trauma

As if I, a single working mother with no family and nearly no friends, needed more trauma in my troubled existence, I have taken in a nasty Chihuahua puppy. The good news is that I've started myself on a regime of Holy Basil to combat the added stress of attempting to control a clearly over-sexed, yet too-young-to-be-neutered Mexican. Before work this morning I discovered that I have no underwear left with the crotch intact, thanks to said dog. The Holy Basil saved the dog's life, as I calmly told myself that panties with the crotch intact are non-essential to peak job performance. I dashed out the door to escape the desperate little Chihuahua, only to discover, to my horror, that he had sunk his teeth into my whirling skirt and was on his way to work with me.


DTclarinet said...

OMG, I think this is going to be my laugh out loud daily therapy!

Anonymous said...

What a great beginning! I look forward to more hilarious posts from the life of Whirling Betty.